Can’t start a fire without a Spark!

Last Thursday evening,  I tore myself away from my desktop to attend a TLO – ‘Turn Lights On’ – this is happening event in Swansea, hosted by Georgina Jones.

Those of you who follow me on the social media networks will have read my tips on how to breathe and sparkle for business. I campaign for busy entrepreneurs and talented humans who want to increase their followers and leads online. Attracting new clients is the aim of my campaigns for brand owners who are busy mentoring their courses, services and products out there in the real world.

Great Marketing

The grey and frosty weeks that follow the glitz and glamour of Christmas can make even the hyperactive among us feel like shrivelling up on the sofa. So I heard my inner voice shout out ‘ put your face and heels on and join an event that promises to turn lights on’. Now that is just the right marketing for this time of year. I wasn’t disappointed and met up with some beautiful and talented singers and a sociable male Chiropractor, from Carmarthen.

Georgina was highly engaging as the host and asked us to chink one anothers glasses before sharing with each other what turned our lights on. Now I am entering a new and scary phase where I am moving away from my professional health and fitness service, which I’ve loved for over twenty six years and have ventured into a new chapter that of mentoring busy humans, who want to follow their dream career and business.

Knowing who you are first before following your dream career or business and then take steps and in some cases lot’s of steps, given the magic opportunity that comes your way when you’re seeking it. Motivation is the driving force and intrinsic motivation comes from within. It’s an internal striving to be good at something. Research shows that those who undertake activities or exercise for their own satisfaction are happier, because intrinsic motivation is about passion and love for what we do. Extrinsic motivation is about being motivated due to a reward, a prize or recognition and praise. We are born to be intrinsically motivated with an innate drive to be physically active (some more than others).

Intrinsic motivation will normally see the greatest results long term, says Rhonda Cohen. Luckily, I have bags of both. So don’t let the grey, wet weather dampen your style!

Go on, what are you waiting for take action and take your first steps.

“What you seek is seeking you” – Rumi


If you, or someone you know has a light that needs turning on, please get in touch with me here:

Carolyn Williams, helping you find ways to re-energise yourself for your business?


Breathing new life into business. I provide social media campaigns for small business owners & entrepreneurs to help increase their followers, advocates and leads using social media.


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